Interview with Ely Waby


I had the opportunity of being interviewed by Ely of @elywaby sharing some deep reflections about my work and what inspires me. I'm so grateful for the support and am humbled by her words. 


1. What drives you?

The vision of a divine life on earth. Life of the spirit in which everything communicates freely with everything, transcending bounds and limitation. Where all beings realise what they are capable of and their connection to nature, each other and a higher purpose. The ability to be inspired at any given moment. The passion I feel for collaboration and finding the beauty in the mundane and the sound of silence. The awakening of love and our duty to be able to creatively express that through diversity. A willingness to serve others and seeing them as manifestations of myself.


2. What does trust mean to you ?

Trust means to surrender, accept and allow. To be open and to let go of the expectation of the desired outcome. To live unattached to whatever will happen in the future yet fully present in the moment full of compassion. To lovingly acting with awareness from the heart knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly as part of the divine plan of evolution. To be able to admit you don't know. To be ok with not being ok. To watch everything like a movie. To knowing yourself. To listen to your fine level of feeling. To acting fearlessly. To letting go and allowing whatever reaction you will get in response to your action. To understanding, every emotion is passing like a cloud. To realise that every thought is only a concept of the mind. 


3) when did you allow your inner artist to grow?

I don't know if there was ever a point where I allowed it to grow. Every moment of life is influencing another. I feel on the journey of this life there have been many things I needed to experience to gain this perspective at this moment. There was always some sort of inner artist seed planted within me that I was aware of from a very young age. I didn't really feel like I belonged anywhere. I would see things differently and then because of society conditioning I felt I was sacrificing myself for the sake of others. Discovering a 'spiritual path' opened doors to different perspectives and views of understanding the world. I reflect back now, and I see it as me removing the veils of stories I used to tell myself. Aligning to the highest expression of myself through art and creativity. Learning and unlearning what it means to have confidence, fearless trust and ability to act with the support of nature. That's what makes my soul sing.


4. What do you still learn to improve everyday ?

I don't really strive to improve anything really. I believe that the higher power working through me (whatever you choose to call it) is doing everything through me in perfect timing. Sure, if I use my mind I could say there are things that I would like to work on such as working more strategically and according to a plan to activate and manifest all the projects I would like to. I choose to live life in flow according to my inner feeling. I guess improving to find that sweet spot of balancing working intuitively and strategically. Everyday aiming to stay humble, emotive and inspired.

5. How do you integrate ancient wisdom in your work ?

All ancient wisdom deeply inspires all my work. The emptiness of Zen/Buddhist philosophy. The fullness and heart-opening practises of the devotion of different faiths. The acknowledgement of the elements and connection of the earth from Indigenous cultures. The mind-expanding knowledge of the esoteric and mystics. The Vedic wisdom of knowing that the witness, the witnessing and the witnessed are experienced as one. 

It is all different perspectives expressing from the same source. This deeper perspective of seeing things is what really inspires my work. When I am in balance and quiet enough to trust and experience it myself in life, it is only the wisdom that is guiding my work to find the inspiration for strategic design solutions and artistic expression.   


Lora Express

6. Jungle or desert ?

Jungle for its denseness and desert for its vastness.


7. A quote ?

Love. Serve. Tell the Truth.


8. A texture ?

Sand. Over time and through the workings of nature and the elements, these individual grains form into a stone. From rock this may be created into cement. Once it has performed its purpose, over time it returns back to its original form. 

9. A pleasure ?

The feeling of subtle oneness with all nature through the senses. Seeing at the tiniest beam of light coming through the window as the day is beginning. Feeling of floating on the infinite depths of the ocean. Hearing the sound of leaves blowing in the wind. Smelling the cool air from the rain. Tasting the prana in fresh, healthy and organic home-cooked food made with love and intention.


10. Early morning or late evening ?

Early morning for creativity and productivity and late evening for reflection and deep rest.  


It was an honour to interview the inspired and inspiring Lora ! Building her projects around sustainability for the soul and the planet, she invites you to explore silence and abundance through confidence ! ૐ


Love and tenderness



Source: themogayogart

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